Why I wrote this book...

– Guy Michaels CH, CHt.

The lessons I’ve learned…

For those of you who know me professionally, you know me as Guy Michaels, the comedy hypnotist, entertainer, or audio visual business owner. However, for those of you who knew me before all that, you simply know me as… Mike!  I am the son of two parents who did everything they could to teach my brother and I the things we would need to survive in this world. They made sure we knew what we needed to know!

This book is a collection of memories and stories of the moments that I shared with my father, who passed away in September of 2014. Shortly after his death, I became overwhelmed with the memories and pearls of wisdom that my father did not even know he was passing down to my brother Brad and I. His name was Arvis Gene Smith, or simply “Smitty” to most, and he was not a rock star, he didn’t invent anything, nor did he climb a mountain. What he did do was live a life full of honesty, integrity and sacrifice. No.. he was not perfect, but he lived his life with an old fashioned code. “Do the right thing.. why? Because it’s the right thing to do!”  Simple, elegant, and truthful.

I have complied the letters of his name into a 5-step guide to living a fulfilled life. My dad had an effect on just about everyone he met. He was often unaware that there was “something about Smitty” that people were drawn too, but it was there. The 5 principles of the A.R.V.I.S. Effect can guide anyone through a life full of uncertainty, high mountain tops, as well as the deepest of valleys.  Yet.. through it all, living by the A.R.V.I.S. Effect can offer you fulfillment in any of those stages of life.

My hope is that no matter who you are or where you are from, that you can see a little bit of yourself in some part of this book!  The stories may not match and the experiences may not be the same, however the spirit that drove my father is the same spirit that drives me!  It’s also the same spirit that so desperately wants to be a part of your life too. Open your mind and open your heart and let the heart of this book take it’s effect on you.


.. A million things!

“Son there are a million things I do not know in this world! This is ONE thing that I do know… That is that I am your father and it is my job to teach you everything I know!”

Arvis Gene Smith

.. One thing I know!

“There is one thing that I know for certain in this world..  I have got a great big back bone behind me and her name is Wanda!”

Arvis Gene Smith

.. I've had the time of my life!

” I’ve had the time of my life getting to go places, see things, and meet people from all over. When my life is over I can know that its been a good one!”

Arvis Gene Smith (on a trip that he and I took across country in 2010)

.. A parent can only hope!

“A parent can only hope that his kid’s will one day grow up to become strong, independent men. Your mother and I could not be more proud of you boys!”

Arvis Gene Smith

.. I was raised.

“Your mother and I were raised in a different time. Things that were important then are no longer important. What was good about the world has been made bad and everything is upside down. We are so proud that you boys raised boys that have the values that we were raised with! Your mother and I don’t have to worry about you.”

Arvis Gene Smith (on a cross country trip in 2009)

.. I knew I had to help!

“I saw that man and I knew right then that God was telling me that I needed to help him!  He was walking down the road and I went over to him and said.. “I am  supposed to give this to you!” and the man just cried! We both cried!”

Arvis Gene Smith (Excerpt from The ARVIS Effect)